Lubbock, Texas

Tooth-Colored Fillings + Ceramic Crowns

Repairing damaged teeth and restoring healthy smiles.
If you have decayed or damaged teeth, Dentist of Lubbock is here to help. We’re pleased to offer a range of restorative dentistry solutions, including tooth-colored fillings and ceramic crowns. We will recommend the best treatment option to restore your healthy, confident smile depending on your unique needs and the extent of the damage.

Tooth-Colored Fillings - An Overview

In the past, the only type of filling available was dental amalgam. While durable, these fillings are metallic in color, and the material contracts and expands with temperature changes, often causing cracks in the tooth structure. Moreover, the mercury content sometimes raises safety concerns. At Dentist Of Lubbock, we are an amalgam-free practice. We’re happy to provide aesthetic dental fillings made from a tooth-colored composite resin material made to match the color of your natural teeth. 

Until recently, composite fillings were only suitable for repairing front teeth or teeth exposed to moderate chewing pressure. However, today’s modern white fillings work well for any tooth, including the molars, providing strength, durability, and unnoticeable results. 

Tooth-colored fillings are considered conservative treatments because they require the removal of a minimal amount of tooth structure compared to metal fillings. Aside from repairing cavities, white fillings can correct chipped, worn, or discolored teeth, improving their health and appearance. 

What Is the Tooth-Colored Filling Procedure?

The dental filling procedure requires one office visit. We’ll start by numbing the area and removing the decayed and damaged tooth structure. Next, we’ll place the tooth-colored filling material in layers and harden it with a special curing light. The final step is adjusting your filling and polishing it until it matches the sheen of your natural tooth enamel. Your restored tooth will look and function just like your natural teeth.

Ceramic Crown - An Overview

Dental crowns are tooth-colored caps that cover the visible portions of weak or damaged teeth, restoring their form and function. At Dentist of Lubbock, we offer ceramic crowns due to their superior results. The translucent porcelain material is easily matched to the shade and texture of the surrounding teeth, blending in seamlessly with your smile. Dental ceramics are strong and durable, readily withstanding the forces of chewing. 

Dental crowns are versatile restorations with many uses, including the following: 

  • Restoring weak, damaged, or fractured teeth
  • Repairing teeth requiring large fillings 
  • Protecting teeth after root canal treatments
  • Correcting the size, shape, and health of worn-down teeth
  • Closing small gaps or correcting uneven tooth spacing 
  • Replacing missing teeth by covering dental implants or supporting dental bridges
  • Improving the size, shape, color, or appearance of teeth with imperfections

What Is the Ceramic Crown Procedure?

We will start by administering a local anesthetic for your comfort. When the area is numb, we will remove some of the affected tooth’s structure to accommodate the restoration. Next, we will make impressions of your mouth that we’ll send to our dental laboratory to serve as a model for your new crown. We’ll place a temporary crown to protect your prepared tooth as you wait. 

When your crown is ready, you’ll return for a placement appointment. We will evaluate your new restoration for a perfect fit and color-match, then cement it in place. We’ll make any needed adjustments to ensure your new crown is comfortable. Your restored tooth will look and function just like a natural tooth. 

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Restorative Dentistry Near Me in Lubbock, TX

At Dentist of Lubbock, we’re all about restoring healthy, functional smiles. Our team will recommend the best restorative solution depending on your unique needs. You can always count on us for unmatched care and service. 

If you reside in Lubbock, TX, or the surrounding areas, call (806) 370-2005 to schedule your appointment or request one online today.